Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Pollution sonore et sante

La pollution sonore est liée aux bruits qui a la longue affectent négativement notre sante( l'alteration de nos capacités auditives, perte progressive de l'ouïe, pression artérielle, etc...). 

Les problèmes de sante lies aux bruits sont multiples, et il faudrait tenir compte de toutes les formes de nuisances qui nous affectent volontairement et involontairement.
Dans la formes de nuisances, il ya celles qui sont routières, aérienne, ferroviaires, et/ou celles liées aux constructions, machineries, usines, etc....
Comme consequence sur la sante, on peut énumérer:

la diminution des capacités auditives qui peuvent selon l'OMS survenir a la suite des expositions aux armes a feu ou a une musique tonitruante et constante.

Les acouphènes qui en general surviennent a la suite d'exposition aux elements mentionnes antérieurement. Les acouphènes sont des bruits parasites que l'individu entend sans qu'ils n'existent en réalité. Ils peuvent se manifester sous la forme de sifflements, de bourdonnements, ou de cliquetis.
le stress déclenché par des reactions physiologiques tels l'adrenaline, le cortisol, et dans certains cas la noradrénaline(cette hormone augmente la rythmique cardiaque et la pression artérielle); les risques lies a la surdité.

les maladies cardiovasculaires qui peuvent survenir a la suite des stress intenses. Les effets reconnus sont par example l’infarctus du myocarde( lie aux bruits routiers), et l'augmentation de la tension artérielle chez les moins ages. 

Perturbations sur la qualité et la durée du sommeil; les consequences peuvent affecter la structure du sommeil en altérant ses phases et sa profondeur. Ceci pourrait se manifester sous la forme d'un sommeil agite, peu réparateur, réveil frequents, et prolonges, fatigue, sensation de quelque chose d’inachevée, etc.... Les lourdeurs de la tete et les migraines sont également a considérer. 

Le bruit peut également avoir des effets sur l’économie avec la depreciation foncière. Le bruit est un des facteurs d'evaluation d'achat des propriétés. Evidemment celles exposées aux bruits sonores, ou situées dans des zones ou les bruits sont constants et non filtres perdront de la valeur en comparaison avec celles situées dans des zones tranquilles.     


Monday, March 12, 2018

Reversing insulin resistance to defeat Diabetes????

What is insulin? 
How does it relate to Diabetes type I and II?

The medical definition of insulin is a natural hormone made by the pancreas to control the level of the sugar glucose. Insulin is produced by the beta cells of the pancreas organ. Insulin resistance occurs when the beta cells do not use insulin effectively. When these cells do not absorb glucose consistently, this causes a buildup of sugar in the blood. 

When there is a degeneration of these beta cells- where the body is unable to make enough insulin on its own- type I diabetes surfaces. An individual with type I diabetes must have a supplementation of insulin through external sources like injections. 

In type II the most common form of diabetes, the beta cells make insulin but cells do not respond normally as they should. This result in insulin resistance. The reduction of the concentration of glucose in the blood can prevent or minimize long terms complications of diabetes, including damage to blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, nerves, and amputations. 

Diabetes is classified among chronic diseases( diseases that are persistent and for which, the body never really or fully recovers). 
Should we let fatality beat us when nature has provided us with important nutrients to overcome these conditions? 

By adopting healthy lifestyles strategies, you can reduce your chance of developing insulin resistance.
Insulin resistance doesn't present any symptoms if diabetes hasn't developed. 
However, high levels of insulin in the blood can be detrimental to your health with a risk to develop heart diseases...
Insulin resistance is very much associated with type II diabetes. It simply means that your body does not use insulin properly. 
Some symptoms associated with diabetes are: 
Increased thirst and hunger
blurry vision
frequent need to urinate
cut and wound that does not heal

From here where do we go?
 Getting a good sleep can boost insulin sensitivity. Evidence suggests that sleep restriction affects glucose production, which in return indicates hepatic insulin resistance(insulin sensibility in muscle and in the liver). The good news is that catching up on sleep deprivation can reverse the effects of insulin resistance.

Physical exercise can never be overemphasized for it's the way of staying healthy. Physical activity stimulates blood flow through muscles for storage, and increase insulin sensitivity( among people with or without diabetes). Aerobic and resistance training can help increase insulin sensitivity, but combining  them in your workouts seems most effective(Healthline)

Stress reduction must definitely be on everyone agenda, because it's all around us. It impairs with our body ability to regulate blood sugar. Stress causes our body to fight against itself, and this causes the production of cortisol or glucagon. These stress hormones break down glycogen( a form of stored sugar) into glucose to be used as a quick source of energy. Unfortunately, the quick break down of sugar penetrate into our bloodstream and keep the blood sugar high if the stress becomes permanent. Stress relief can include physical exercise, great sleep to repair mental functions, and healthy diet( I will discuss these in another post). 

Shading few pounds off can certainly help reducing insulin resistance, especially in the belly area. 

Adopt a healthy diet of more soluble fiber. Soluble fiber contributes to stabilize blood sugar which slows the absorption of glucose into the blood.This in return reduces the likelihood of diabetes. Soluble fiber can include lentils, peas, beans, oat bran, berries family, etc....

Any foods rich in antioxidants are helpful in reducing insulin resistance in our system. Fruits and vegetables produce valuable nutritious effects, especially colorful fruits known for their neutralizing effects against free radicals and harmful inflammation throughout the body. However, we must be careful when choosing which type of fruits to eat because of the high concentration of sugar in some... 

 Cinnamon-1 gram of cinnamon/day improves the blood glucose in people with type diabetes. It reduces the effects of bad cholesterol or LDL and triglycerides- and improve the good cholesterol or HDL. 

I'm not a fan of green tea. However new evidence suggests that drinking green tea improve insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar. 
Bay leaves and thyme appear to improve insulin receptor function and regulate blood sugar. People who are at risk of having diabetes or those who are already diabetic may see some improvement in their condition ounce they regularly consume bay and thyme. 

Try apple cider vinegar which stands as a cleanser ingredient in addition to many other useful tips. It appears to delay food release into intestines giving more time to the body to absorb sugar into the bloodstream.

Eating small portions of carb throughout the day facilitates insulin activity. Most carbs convert into sugar and are transfer into our blood. Insulin is released by the pancreas to transfer the sugar from the blood into the cells. 

Avoid trans fats- they provide no health other than exposing the body to many other diseases. 
Elimination of sugar especially the artificial ones is critically important to avoid insulin resistance. Some natural sugar found in some fruits worth precaution, but now this will depend on your physician prescription.  

The following choices of foods are beneficial for insulin sensitivity:
go high in proteins (fish, lean meat, grass-fed meat, and poultry are recommended) and reduce carbs intake; moderate carbs diet improve insulin sensibility while high carbs intake trigger high glycemic response.
Adding vinegar and other acids like lemon, lime, apple cider, enhance insulin sensitivity by improving the body's capacity to store carbs as muscle glycogen.
You can also improve your insulin sensitivity by getting enough magnesium; magnesium is sensitive to insulin by having a positive effect on insulin receptors in each cell of the body. 
Choose non-starchy vegetables over starchy vegetables
nonstarchy vegetables could include:
  • Asparagus
  • Summer squash, such as zucchini, yellow or spaghetti
  • Carrots 
  • Broccoli
  • Cucumber 
  • Peppers
  • Onions
  • Tomatoes
  • Salad greens, such as lettuce and spinach
  • Cooking greens, such as kale, chard, and collards              starchy vegetables
  • Winter squash, such as butternut or acorn
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Potatoes
  • Sweet corn
  • Peas                                       
  • Parsnips


Monday, February 5, 2018

Changing my bed sheets, pyjamas, underwears, and towels???  

How often must we change our bed sheets???? 
Regardless of how many times we clean our sheets, bacteria multiplication is inevitable. How often should we change our bed sheet? A survey in Great Britain in 2014 revealed that 35% of people changed their bed sheets every 2 weeks, 8% every 3 months, and 10% once a month. Others would change their sheets maybe every 2 months...

Clean your bed sheets regularly to destroy bacteria!
In order to do so, you need to evaluate your patterns of behavior in the bedroom. Sleeping with your pajama is different from sharing the bed and sleeping naked. If you take a shower- before going to bed- and wear a pyjama, the recommendation is to change your bed sheets every 2 weeks( PasseportSante.net).
Some people have night sweats, especially those who have certain conditions( menopause, hormone changes, fever, infections, neurological disorders, cancers, medications, or just body heat....). The perspiration environment is very favorable to mites multiplication. Medical scientists explain that mites feed up of dead skins lost at night during sleep.

In light of this, changing bed sheets regularly allows to maintain a clean and safe environment and get rid of mites. Mites evolve in muggy and humid environment. Bacteria can cause diseases like asthma, eczema, allergies, rhinitis, etc....
 What temperature should we wash our bed sheets to make sure that mites disappear completely?

It is recommended to wash sheets at 140 degrees Fahrenheit especially for those sensitive skins. That way we can ensure complete destruction of mites. You must buy sheets that can resist the heat. Bed sheets in cotton are preferable because they resist perspiration. Additionally sleeping in an environment cool and dry will help reduce the multiplication of mites.

Duvets and pillows 

Should be washed few times a year. Duvets can be replaced every 5 years, and pillows more often 2 or 3 years. Duvets can carry live and dead mites, flaky skins and fungus, which are responsible for certain allergies like conjunctivitis, rhinitis, etc... 

How often should we wash our underwears....??? 
After every single wear without exception, we must wash our underwear and replace them yearly. We are all exposed to bacteria, fungus, mycosis, and urinary tract infections. Machine wash, bleach detergent, and hot water do a good job in getting rid of potential foreigners. 

The recent survey indicated that young men between 18 and 30 years of age would wear the same pyjama for 13 nights and young women 17 nights before cleaning them. Pyjamas are in direct contact with the skin- and we lose skin cells, filled with microorganisms( Bloomfield research). These organisms are benign until they are placed in conditions where they become a threat( E-coli bacteria transferring from the urinary tract to bowel causing cystitis).   

Dish clothes in our kitchen>>>>

They must be washed regularly, at least every night after usage. I'm guilty of that also. I don't wash mine every night!!!! The advice is to air or tumble dry your kitchen clothes 

Bath towels also absorb dead skin cells and natural bacteria from our bodies. Towels kept in humidity conditions, increase the likelihood of bacteria to thrive.   

Few things to know:

Complex Carbohydrates vs Simple Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are good sources of energy and essentials nutrients, and can be found in the following:
dairy products

Carbohydrates are made of 3 components: fiber, starch, and sugar. Fiber and starch are complex carbs, and sugar is a simple carb. 

Complex Carbohydrates 

milk and yogurt(essential source of vitamin B12) 

Simple Carbohydrates 

The difference between complex and simple carbohydrates is in how quickly each of them is digested and absorbed in our mainstream- and how their chemical structures are formed. 

Complex carbohydrates are bounded by longer saccharides chains, thus taking much longer to break down and keeping our stomach fuller. 
Simple carbohydrates( also called sugars including the natural sugar found in milk, fruits, and vegetables) on the other hand can break down more quickly because they are only bounded by one molecule. 
Vitamin B12 (as mentioned earlier) deficiency is related to neurological and cognitive disorders, stunted growth, congenital malformations, and anemia.

Grains, Beans, Nuts, and seeds
Grains- seeds of grass: e.g. rice, corn, oats, wheat
Beans- seeds of legumes: e.g. lentils, soybeans, peas, chickpeas
Nuts- seeds of trees: e.g. hazelnuts, pecans, walnuts
Seeds: e.g. poppy seeds, sunflower

 Beans are full of fiber; high in antioxidants; provide complete proteins when eaten with bread; rich in iron, copper, magnesium, and zinc. 
Nuts provide a generous supply of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and good fats(monounsaturated fats).
Grains also include fiber, vitamins B( niacin, thiamin, riboflavin, and folate), and of course minerals. 
Seeds are rich in fiber, and monounsaturated fats( very essential in lowering the bad cholesterol while enhancing your heart functioning). Seeds are equally loaded with vitamins, proteins, and minerals.

Soluble fiber vs Insoluble fiber 

They both facilitate digestion, absorption of nutrients, prevention of diseases, and weight loss. 
Insoluble fiber speeds food through the digestive system and prevents constipation. It doesn't dissolve in water. 
Soluble fiber attracts water and becomes gel in the intestine. It also contributes to stabilize blood sugar which slows the absorption of glucose into the blood- which in return reduce the likelihood of certain conditions like diabetes). 

Health benefits of insoluble fiber include 
weight loss by helping stay off hunger for a longer period of time; 
improving the digestive system by reducing constipation and bowel related issues-and hemorrhoids.

Health benefits of soluble fiber also include the protection of heart. Soluble fiber binds to cholesterol parts and removes them from our bodies /- thus reducing the level of cholesterol in our system and risks related to cardiopathies. Soluble fiber allows a slower absorption of glucose into the blood, which in turn balances the sugar level so that it doesn't rise too drastically. 




https://nutritionfacts.org/2015/05/26/how-phytates-fight-cancer-cells/  http://www.yogurtinnutrition.com/milk-and-yogurt-may-increase-vitamin-b12-intake/

Tuesday, January 16, 2018


I want to start off by wishing Happy New Year to all my followers. 
I have been away for some time, but I'm back now. 
Avocado shrimp salad 
What a tasty recipe!!!
In a small bowl, combine chopped onion, fresh chopped celery, tomato(optional), lemon, olive oil, a pinch of black pepper and -mayonnaise( can be added if you have a preference for its taste).

In a large bowl, combine cooked shrimps( you can buy the cooked ones or cook the fresh ones with salt or knorr Maggi for few minutes). I do prefer the fresh uncooked shrimp because it's natural and unprocessed. You may want to add cayenne pepper or jalapeno(optional). 

Combine all the ingredients together; add cilantro and/or dried parsley in lieu of dried celery if you are using fresh chopped ones; spinach leaves can be added too; gently toss and serve your salad with french toasted bread or regular bread slice. 

Now let's review the health benefits of avocado with shrimp
While avocados have high-fat content, they are a great source of potassium and folate- very versatile and can be transformed in many dishes( puree, salad, entrees, desserts, breakfast with bread, guacamole, etc...). Avocados are very high in omega 3 acid- an essential nutrient for the heart. 
The fats content in avocados are monounsaturated; they provide many health benefits as well ranging from improving the heart health, reducing cholesterol level by enhancing HDL(good cholesterol) and minimizing risks for diabetes( regulating blood sugar by stopping insulin resistance). 
Potassium as mentioned earlier in good in regulating the effect of sodium which is bad for our heart. Folate, on the other hand, is an essential component of healthy red cells formation and cell growth. Folate is also very recommended for pregnant women in the prevention of birth defect and neural tube defect.     

It has been shown that avocados are equally efficient in the improvement of vision. They are the excellent source of carotenoid lutein which is very helpful in reducing macular degeneration and cataracts. 
Avocados contain glutathione( antioxidant), a beneficial component in strengthening our immune system. They are classified as phytochemicals as well whose properties may act to inhibit cancer growth. Vitamin C and E help keep skin nourished. 

Avocado mask for hair
1 tender avocado( small, medium or big depending how much hair you have)
1 tbsp of olive oil, coconut oil, or Africa's Best Ultimate Herbal Oil(contains jojoba oil and can be found at any Dollar store, WalMart, Target for $2.00)
 1 egg yolk
1 tbsp of honey( optional)
Mix all the ingredients together to make a puree a shown above. Use your hand with gloves to apply gently on your hair, and scalp; wrap your hair in a plastic bag or hair cap for 1 hour; remove a cap, and rinse out the mask with warm water and then wash, and condition hair as usual.   


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

La confiance en soi
Quelques astuces pratiques a ne pas négliger pour développer la confiance en soi
Je voudrais d'abord adresser mes voeux les meilleurs pour l'année nouvelle a tous mes chers lecteurs. 
Je me suis absentée pendant un moment, mais je suis de retour. Nous allons entamer la nouvelle année en parlant de ce  sujet qui touche l'essence même de notre personnalité: la confiance en soi.
La confiance en soi est ce sentiment d'assurance que l'on a en ses propres possibilités.
J'ai recense 5 éléments qui a mon sens pourraient nous aider a établir cette confiance en soi:  

Se connaitre soi-meme
Recevoir les compliments
Soigner sa posture

Se connaitre soi-meme
 Il est important de connaître ses forces et faiblesses, limites et capacités, qualités et défauts- lesquels donnent une meilleure appréciation de qui l'on est vraiment afin de mieux s'affirmer.  Cette évaluation personnelle confère une certaine assurance de soi,tout en permettant de  mettre vos atouts personnels en valeur dans les rapports du quotidien sans avoir peur d'être offusqué.
Cette introspection vous aidera a corriger  vos points faibles en vue de les améliorer. Ainsi votre entourage pourra mieux vous connaître.

Accepter les compliments
Les compliments pour certains ne sont pas toujours la bienvenue, spécialement lorsque cette assurance de soi n'est pas en place. Au quotidien vous accomplissez un certain nombre de choses qui peuvent paraitre anodines, mais pas moins appréciables.  Apprenez a recevoir ces commentaires marques de notes positives, lesquels pourraient vous servir de miroir pour mieux évaluer vos forces. Le compliment sert également a rehausser l'estime personnelle. 

Soigner sa posture 
La confiance en soi peut se lire dans votre regard et la manière dont vous vous tenez. Tenez vous droit, les épaules relevées, la tête haute et le regard perspicace. Marchez d'un pas certain et assuré.  le sourire n'est pas en reste dans cette posture, dans la mesure ou ceci vous rend plus avenant(e). Les personnes sures d'elles generalement adoptent ce genre de comportements non verbaux.

La confiance en soi se définit également par la perception que l'on a de soi-même, mais également par ce que l'on croit que les autres pensent de soi. Il peut arriver que vous ayez une perception erronée de ce que les autres pensent vous. C'est pour cela qu'il est important d'exprimer ses préférences, goûts, ses choix, ses valeurs, ses opinions, etc... auprès de ceux que l'on côtoie. Tout en s'affirmant, vous repoussez toute attitude desobligeante, non constructive, et/ou blessante de la part d'un potentiel interlocuteur. Dans une posture de politesse, repoussez toute velléité visant a blesser et faites-le savoir a votre interlocuteur. 

Il n'y a pas un meilleur apprentissage que découvrir, s'ouvrir a un monde extérieur a soi, ou encore s'exposer a quelque chose de nouveau. Chercher a relever de nouveaux défis, meet and mingle(rencontrer et échanger), essayer ou pratiquer une activité différente sont des aspects qui vous permettront de sortir de votre routine quotidienne. S'adapter a un environnement inconnu permet d'évaluer ses capacités et limites tout en en travaillant sur les challenges auxquels l'on est exposé. Ceci vous permettra de mesurer vos progrès personnels et de s'aguerrir dans cette quête vers la confiance en soi. 

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Breast Ironing: The untold story!!!!!
 A growing Public Health Concern that must be decried!!!!!!!!

                     Have you heard about this practice??????

Breast ironing is a traditional practice consisting of massaging and/or flattening young pubescent girls breast with hot tools( I will talk about more further) in an attempt to disguise the signs of development. The reasoning behind this custom is to delay sexual intercourse, harassment, rape, and undesirable/early pregnancies. 

Breast ironing is usually performed on young females breasts- age 10-19-by their mothers or a close relative. In some families, it's passed down from the grandmother to the daughter.
According to the perpetrators, this ignoble practice aims at deterring unwanted pregnancies, unscrupulous and malicious sexual behaviors, early sexual activities, and precocious marriages.

The prevalence of breast ironing is observed in Cameroon and some other parts of African countries like Central African Republic, Bénin, Tchad, Côte D'Ivoire, Guinée-Conakry, Kenya, Nigeria, Togo, and Zimbabwe. The United Nations estimate that around 3.8 millions of young females are victims of breast ironing- with Cameroon holding the highest number of cases. 

Notwithstanding this  practice, the prevalence of  early pregnancies and rape incidences( this excludes under-reported cases as a result of stigmatization) among  young girls remain high in Cameroon. Breast ironing practice hasn't really helped as a deterrent.... 
Sexual harassment, unwanted pregnancies, and rape are still a rife.  

The following example isn't an isolated case: Veronica was just 28, mother of 5 girls and  grandmother of 1 , and her oldest daughter has gotten pregnant at age 14. In an attempt to protect the younger siblings from getting pregnant at such a young age, Verinocia started to flatten their breast at age 10. She was trying her best to protect her daughters against predators.

There are 2  methods carried by those involved in this practice. 
The first consists of heating tools like pestle, heavy stone, metal, sticks, spatulas, spoons, grinding stones, hot coconut shelves, and hot leaves over hot charcoals fire, and apply them against breasts with the intention of flattening and stunting their growth.
The second method involves wrapping the girl's chest with an elastic tight band overnight like shown in the picture. This makes the young female very uncomfortable during her sleep. 

While at the moment no medical studies have been undertaken on the effects of breast ironing, experts are of the assumption that it can lead to breast cancer, the formation of abscesses cysts, complications from breastfeeding, discharge of milk, breast damage tissues, etc.... There are further speculations that there can be permanent damage to milk ducts, infection, dissymmetry of the breasts, cancer, breast infections, severe fever, tissue damage and even the complete disappearance of one or both breasts.Victims of this practice also end up with marks, wrinkles and black spots on their breasts(Tchoukou 2014).But I believe that the inescapable scars is psychological( depression, fear, anxiety, frustration, confusion, emotional pain, etc...). 

My take on the issue is the need for sexual education in schools; the necessity to empower and educate young girls about risks of unprotected sex;  Quite often young ladies don't understand their bodies changes when they reach puberty. In traditional African societies, raising the topic of sexuality among youngsters is still considered a taboo topic. 

The social disorganization(family disruption, poverty, lower socioeconomic status) is certainly a predicting factor in pushing  these young girls to engage in risky sexual behaviors leading to undesirable consequences. These mothers' desire is to protect their daughters against sexual predators, but they certainly don't know any other means. As indicated, the deterrence of sexual harassment is somewhere else.... not in breast ironing.

I can also speak for acculturation and loss of fundamentals values formerly instilled in young females(preserving their bodies until marriage, and not having children outside the wedlock). 

 How would I classify this issue? 
A violence against women? 
Child abused? 
Violation of human rights?
I want to have your take on this issue.
Were you aware of this practice?
Share please!

Bawe RN (2013)Breast Ironing : A harmful traditional practice in Cameroon. Gender Empowerment and Development (GeED). 

Julie Ada Tchoukou(2014) Introducing the Practice of Breast Ironing as a Human Rights Issue in Cameroon

Ndifor.M.I(2007). Breast Ironing in Cameroon: Just a rumor? Karolinska Institute, Department of public health 

Pollution sonore et sante La pollution sonore est liée aux bruits qui a la longue affectent négativement notre sante( l'alteration ...