Monday, November 27, 2017

14 reasons you should consider when you can't get these extra pounds off!!!!!

1- Not getting an adequate amount of restful sleep
Sleeping disorders affect metabolism and hormones responsible for regulating hunger and appetite(leptin and ghrelin). Leptin (also called the starvation hormone) secretion occurs during sleeping time to suppress hunger and signal that brain has had enough to eat. When the body is not at rest, ghrelin hormone is produced to increase appetite -often time for fats and sweets.

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 2- Sitting down for too long
Sitting down for too long increase the likelihood of having the following: high blood pressure, cardiovascular complications, osteoporosis, decreasing of arteries diameter( thus narrowing blood circulation), and weight gain( due to the decrease of metabolism's activity). Few tips would include: standing up every hour especially when working in offices; taking stairs instead of escalators; walking in the building for few minutes; eating lunch while remaining stand; doing few stretches.

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3- Hormonal disorders
Doctors recommend consultations for those who have hormonal disorders and can't shade few extra fats. Hormonal problems often include the malfunctioning of the thyroid gland- which doesn't make enough thyroid hormone to get the body running normally. New researchers also underscore polycystic ovarian syndrome whereby the growth of small cysts in women ovaries aren't harmful but create hormone imbalances- which affect the well functioning of internal organs.

4-  Being stressed and not getting enough relaxation can cause weight gain
Stress increases the production of cortisol which in many cases, triggers appetite for foods.....

5- Craving for sugar and artificial sweeteners is a real killer.
Those sugars  are found in candies, cookies, sodas,  precooked cuisines, etc..... Artificial sweeteners increase the likelihood of developing obesity while slowing down the metabolism. 

6- Not getting sufficient amount of water in the body.
Water is critically important for the body survival: cleanses the system, boosts the metabolism, hydrate the skin, eliminates toxins, suppress appetite for more food( especially when drinking water prior to eating).

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7- Physical activity: choosing the right exercise in order to burn calories
One way to loose weight consists of doing cardio: running, walking, climbing upstairs, swimming, and bicycling. These physical activities help in burning calories. Stretching everyday for 5 to 10 minutes has been proven helpful in reducing injury and maintaining healthy muscles.

8- Not getting enough proteins
Proteins are good for boosting metabolism while burning calories. Moreover, when the body gets enough proteins( nuts, eggs, seeds, fish, lean meat, yogurt, lentils, beans), they feel the stomach and diminish hunger.

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9- Not increasing your fibers intake
They are found in fruits and vegetables(potatoes, lentils, peas, broccoli, black beans, raspberries, avocados, brown rice, pasta, mango, guava, spinach, carrots, etc.... Fibers have the capacity to reduce appetite; they are absorbed slowly; they help feeling full after eating so that the body may snack less. 

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10- Water retention in the body also impedes the ability to lose weight. It can occur as a result of sitting down or standing for too long; eating too much salt; blood not flowing properly through the body; experiencing some side effects from certain medicines( must be check with personal physician); Hormonal disorders as mentioned earlier with thyroid;  

11- Being too strict when following a particular diet in order to lose weight can become detrimental in the sense that you deprive yourself of what you like- and your body craves for these things.
Quite often it is recommended to maintain a balanced diet and avoid skipping meals when trying to lose weight. This means that, trying to eat what you like every now and then at smaller proportions without completely eliminating these guilty pleasures from your plate.

12- Not eating the good fats( nuts, seeds, avocados, fish) 
These goods fats feel up and reduce appetite for snacking. 

13- Skipping meals and eating late at night is such a bad idea, especially the breakfast which in fact provides a good body support throughout the day. Instead of skipping breakfast, it would be preferable to skip dinner and have fruits and/or salad in the evening time. 

14- the last thing and probably the hardest one is the ability to adopting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle even after these extra pounds have come off. Changing diets and adopting a healthy lifestyle must be perceived as a long-term and lasting solution.  

Artificial sweeteners 

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Monday, November 20, 2017

Eating my way to better health: 
Immune System

Fruits and vegetables, powerful antioxidants to fight free radicals; contain a substantial amount of nutrients( beta-carotene, calcium, iron, potassium, folate, fibers, vitamin A, C, E, K, zinc, manganese, phosphorus).

Grains are full of B vitamins( niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, folate, manganese, magnesium, zinc, iron).

Nuts( almonds, cashews, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, pecans) are full of iron, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, omega-3 fatty acids, protein, unsaturated acids- helpful and healthy for heart. 

Seafood rich in selenium, iron, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, iodine- excellent source of protein.     

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Food scarcity can compromise our immune system. 
One of the best remedies to fight foreign agents is found in foods.  
The best mechanism of defense is found in a well-balanced diet containing a variety of fruits, legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seafood. 
Building your immunity:
-Get an adequate amount of sleep( recommendation is at least 8 hours a day)
-Hydrate, hydrate!!!! drink plenty of water( at least 8 glasses of water per day)
-Balance your diet- eat those nutrients. I will talk about further
-Wash your hands regularly- Everyday we come in contact with germs one way or another.
- Exercise regularly- physical activity is recommended at least 5 times a week for moderate( 30 minutes each day) or 3 times a week for intensive( 60 to 90 minutes). Also just taking a morning walk for 30 minutes will help a great deal. 

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Friday, November 17, 2017

Check this out: 
Baking Soda and lemon

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Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
known for its many health benefits.
Excellent for cleaning kitchen and bathroom.

Good for cooking and eliminating odors. 

Relieve heartburn, indigestion, and ulcers.

Good for oral hygiene and bad breath-natural deodorant for those who don't want to use antiperspirants. A simple tip is to brush or rub dry baking soda under your arm. You can also try a pinch of baking soda into water to rinse your mouth cleansing. 

However it is recommended to avoid using baking soda every day( once a week is recommended) for teeth cleaning because of its abrasive properties- which can be detrimental to your enamel.   

Good remedy for sore throat and cough: dissolve one teaspoon of baking soda in 4 cups of water( you can also add a pinch of salt), and gargle your mouth regularly without swallowing the mixture. It will help relieve pain and minimize infections.
Amazing for soothing and exfoliating feet.

Good for hair and sebum removal: spray baking soda and water mixture to dry hair using a squeeze bottle; let it sit for few minutes and rinse it off for good results. 
Useful for minor injuries: insects bites, bee sting, etc....

Excellent source of vitamin C.
Heal cuts and bruises.
The pulp is known for its scent in bakeries.
Boost your metabolism: drinking hot or cold water with infused lemon will help boost your metabolism for the day.

The combination of baking soda and lemon:
Detoxifying the body by expelling excess toxin, salt, fats, and water( reducing stress and pressure on the liver and the kidney)   

Balance the measure of potential Hydrogen pH(acidity and alkalinity in the body- alkalinity because of the aqueous solution which neutralizes acid( acid creates an environment for potential diseases). 

Improve digestion

Boost immunity- lemon is known for its antimicrobial functions preventing bacteria from developing in the gut. 

Aid heart health( New researches  indicate that a mixture of lemon and baking soda have the potential to regulate the bad cholesterol and improve the good cholesterol- thus protecting against atherosclerosis responsible for heart conditions) 

Protect the skin- lemon is a powerful antioxidant, which has the potential to protect against free radicals and other stress-related events, thus slowing down the aging process and wrinkles on our skin.    
Heal the liver and prevent chronic diseases 
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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Bon a savoir sur le bicarbonate de soude

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Le bicarbonate de soude et ses multiples bienfaits:

Peut etre utilise pour la cuisine, le nettoyage, et le quotidien. 
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Il est egalement utilise dans le domaine pharmaceutique, medical, et l'elevage.

Le bicarnonate alimentaire ne contient aucun additif; il est economique et pratique. 

Son usage est justifie parce qu'il n'est pas nocif a l'organisme( non toxique, pas allergique, et comestible). 

Il peut etre utilise pour nettoyer et desinfecter les douches, les surfaces( evier de douche, cuisine, paillasse, bainoire),  et les vetements. 
Il est tres efficace pour eliminer les odeurs de cuisine. 
L'astuce consiste a verser la poudre de bicarbonate dans un vaporiseur, et y ajouter un 1/2 litre d'eau froide(ou alors faire l'inverse) ainsi qu'un peu de vinaigre. Ainsi on obtient une solution homogene pour vaporiser et astiquer les surfaces- particulierement les zones graissees.  

Il blanchit l'email dentaire et rafraichit l'haleine. 
l'astuce consiste a saupoudrer un peu de bicarbonate sur sa brosse a dent avant le brossage. 
Le PassportSante cependant ne recommande son usage qu'une fois par semaine, a cause du risque d'endommagement de l'email dentaire.

Selon le PassportSante.NET, il est efficace dans le traitement des aphtes et gencives. Un bain de bouche est recommande en diluant une cuillere a soupe de poudre dans un demi verre d'eau froide. 

Il est efficace pour les soins capillaires. Une application consiste a saupoudrer du bicarbonate sur son cuir chevelure, frotter et masser pendant quelques minutes, et brosser doucement son cheveu. Ce procede elimine les exces de sebum. Cependant il est recommende de ne appliquer ce genre de traitement qu'une fois par semaine -tout comme dans le cas des soins bucaux- a cause de ses proprietes abrasives qui pourraient etre endommageantes suite a un usage excessif.

Le bicarbonate est egalement recommande dans le soulagement des reflux gastriques. Il est conseille de diluer une cuillere a cafe de poudre dans un verre d'eau et d'y ajouter au besoin un peu de citron et de miel( si l'on veut) pour raffiner un peu son gout. Il  est conseille de boire la solution par petites gorgees. 

Le bicarnobate est egalement excellent dans l'elimination des peaux mortes. Il suffit de diluer environ 4 cuilleres a soupe de poudre dans un litre d'eau tiede, et d'y tremper les pieds pendant 15 minutes. Ensuite, il faut a l'aide d'une grosse lime a ongles et d'une brosse pour pieds, frotter la plante des pieds et limer les ongles. les peaux mortes tomberont facilement. 


l existe 4 sortes de bicarbonate de soude, qui se distinguent par leur pureté : 

Le bicarbonate de soude alimentaire, c’est-à-dire celui qu'on peut retrouver au supermarché. Il est peu onéreux et on peut en faire plusieurs usages. Il peut être consommé et utilisé sans aucune contre-indication.
Le bicarbonate de soude exclusivement réservé à l'élevage. Il possède des propriétés basiques qui rééquilibrent le pH des animaux qui consomment trop de protéines.
Le bicarbonate de soude technique est plus abrasif que l’alimentaire, ce qui restreint son utilisation aux tâches ménagères uniquement. Il est conseillé de porter des gants lors de sa manipulation afin d’éviter une irritation de la peau.
Le bicarbonate de sodium pharmaceutique c'est le plus pur et le plus dispendieux. De plus, son utilisation est strictement médicale. On peut donc le retrouver en pharmacie.

Je l'ai particulierement trouve tres efficace dans le nettoyage de mes eviers de cuisine, douche, baignoire, et toilette. 
La meilleure formule consiste a verser un peu de poudre sur la surface a nettoyer, ou encore tremper son eponge mouillee dans dans du bicarbonate, ensuite astiquer ou frotter la surface a nettoyer pour obtenir de meilleurs resultats. 
Je discuterai des peaux mortes en profondeur dans une de mes prochaines publications. 
Pour ce qui est de l'elimination des peaux mortes, il est important de rappeler que les peaux mortes surviennenent a la suite de plusieurs facteurs:
 la longue stature debout- rester debout pendant de longues heures. Je l'ai personnellement experimente lorsque je passais de longues heures( 3 a 4 heures) debout a travailler sans m'asseoir 
le surpoids- lorsque vos pieds suportent un poids au dessus de la normale, ceci peut causer des peaux mortes au niveau de la plante des pieds. 
Les savons irritants- particulierement les savons non-hydratants 
les conditions medicales peuvent egalement etre a l'origine des peaux mortes. 
Generalement pour eliminer les peaux au niveau de mes plantes de pieds, je recours a un peu d'eau chaude(chauffer moderement) dans un recipient en plastique. Vous pouvez y mettre une certaine quantite jusqu'au niveau de votre cheville, ensuite verser une demi tasse de poudre de bicarbonate, et laisser tremper vos pieds dans la solution pendant environ 30 minutes. Sortez vos pieds de la bassine, essuyer a l'aide d'une serviette et utiliser une brosse a pied ou une grosse lime pour frotter les plantes de vos pieds. Vous serez surpris des resultats. 
Essayer et faites-moi part des resultats. 
Que pensez-vous de cette formule??

Saturday, November 11, 2017


Have you heard about alliaceous? 
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Alliaceous vegetables belong to the allium family and comprise
garlic, leek, and onion family (scallion or, green onion, red onion, white onion). 

Among these, garlic and onion contain phytochemicals (biologically active compounds found in plants). 

Phytochemicals are non-nutritive substances in plant-based foods. They aren't required by human body for sustaining life, but they possess disease fighting properties and other health benefits. 

contributes in reducing cholesterol; prevents the formation of blood clots which may greatly help in lowering blood pressure, heart diseases, and stroke. Newer researches also underscore that garlic has the ability to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Garlic also helps in fighting ear infection

an excellent source of vitamin K; good source of manganese, copper, iron, folate, copper, vitamin B6, C, A, E, calcium, and omega- 3 fatty acids
contains a lot of fibers which inhibit cholesterol and act as suppressants  on high blood pressure
also cleanses blood vessels to allow blood circulation.
The vitamin E on the other hand, acts as an inhibitor against aging. 

Onion family 

Protects against cancer; raise HDL( good cholesterol or high-density lipoprotein) and reduce risks of cardiovascular conditions; fight inflammation; relieve constipation.   

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Thursday, November 9, 2017

What do we know about health and social implications of migration?

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Speaking of human movement, migration consists of moving from one region to another. The number of international migrants has increased rapidly over recent years, reaching 244 million in 2015. (UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs).

There are varieties of reasons triggering migration; they can be classified into 2 categories: 

Coercing factors
Civil wars or internal conflicts
Political instability
Economic crisis
Natural disasters
Social injustices(discrimination, racial tensions, hate crimes)

Personal reasons
Job opportunities
Personal fulfillment
Better life 
As shown in the diagram below, the migration process can involve a number of stressors and constraints factors increasing the likelihood of morbidity.  

The influence of the migration process on migrant’s morbidity.

Source: Kristiansen et al, 2007

Factors affecting health in the country of origin and during migration encompass but are not limited: famine, violence, drought, hardship due to loss, extended and unintended stay in refugee camps( which consequently causes promiscuity, epidemic, poor hygiene and sanitation due to overcrowding conditions), insecurity, etc.... 

Other parameters to be taken into consideration are language barriers in the host country, lack of info about healthcare and other services, loss of status, marginalization, struggle as related to assimilation, identity crisis, lack of social network, discrimination, etc...

The health implications of these factors can be detrimental to the mental and physical health of migrants. Coping with a completely new environment can be emotionally and physically stressful( from being depressed, to be discouraged, and physically drained and stressed out).

Though migrants are often young, some may have preexisting health conditions 
that can be strenuous for the local health care system( especially when dealing with massive migration).   

Other challenges may speak for the necessity to increase healthcare infrastructures and health coverage for new migrants once they arrive in the host country. When dealing with aging migrants, there may be challenging questions to answer: how to resolve health coverage for the elderly, retirement, and taxpayers.  

Migration also presents health implications for the country where migrants came from. The departure of migrants for economic or academic opportunities may consequently create brain drain ( fuite des cerveaux) in their country of origin- especially those who are skillful in tech, engineering, medical, and entrepreneurial. That human depletion is an impediment to the local economy because human potential is being lost. 

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has long recognized that migration of health personnel from developing to developed countries increases the existing imbalances in the global health workforce and can cause deficiencies in local provision of services in developing countries (Mejia et al, 1979).


Tuesday, November 7, 2017

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Antioxidants and its many health benefits

Protect against free radicals which are responsible for certain cancers
Reduce risks of cardiovascular diseases,
Minimize risks of macular degeneration, muscle soreness, etc....
Strong support for progressive and healthy aging
Reinforce our immune functions
Play an important for maintaining an optimal liver function
Strengthen the body elimination systems 

Free radicals are unstable oxygen molecules( fabricated by cells)
  that have lost electrons due to stress and many other factors(exposure to sunlight and) pollution. These unstable molecules will wander around our bodies trying to stabilize themselves by stealing electron from other molecules. When they succeed, they create even more free radicals which damage healthy cells and make our bodies vulnerable to diseases. 

They cause low-density lipoprotein (LDL) the bad cholesterol- which is at the heart of atherosclerosis, coronary artery diseases, and cardio vascular complications; they are also responsible for altering DNA( deoxyribonucleic acid  present in human being to determine their fundamental and distinct characteristics) which expose us to certain cancers; they even accelerate the aging process in certain people; they are responsible for macular degeneration and vision loss.
Unless something steps in the way to prevent these molecules from fulfilling their freedom, damage can be irreparable. This is where antioxidants come in as a barrier. 

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Antioxidants are found in most fruits and vegetables:

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  Some of the top foods  for antioxidants are: 
Dark chocolate, berries family, pecans, artichoke, kidney beans, cilantro, tomatoes, broccoli, kale, pomegranates, pumpkin seeds, carrots, sweet potatoes, 

They provide vitamin C,E, beta carotene, and minerals. 

Vitamin C also called ascorbic acid is really good in eliminating free radicals from our bodies. Research also suggest that vitamin C may help reduce the effects of aging. It strengthens bones and collagen, quick healing from wounds, also good for great smokers. It takes 20 milligrams of vitamin C to eliminate free radical effects of cigarette. 
 Vitamin E on the other hand stands as barrier to heart diseases caused by the effects of free radicals. New research found that women who consistently consume vitamin E are at lower risks of having heart conditions as opposed to their counterparts who are inconsistent in taking vitamin E. 

You may also want to use some herbs to increase your antioxidants intake: clove, cinnamon, oregano, turmeric, cumin, parsley, basil, ginger, thyme, garlic, and cayenne.

What do we know about high-fructose corn syrup?

In one of my blogs, I have talked about the importance of reading food labels.  

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High fructose corn syrup(HFCS) is a type of sweetener made from corn starch found in sodas and fruit flavored drinks. It's also used in food manufacturing- where it has replaced refine white sugar in many products such as soft drinks. 

Excessive consumption of sugar leads to nutrient displacement, tooth decay, and  issues related to  obesity and diabetes. When we consume  artificial sweeteners such as candies, sodas, white chocolate, etc...  not only we aren't getting in the nutrients needed, but we are losing some( the ones we have stored aren't replaced and our bodies need nutrients to survive). 

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Artificial sweeteners in foods and drinks contain fewer nutrients, but empty k calories. 
 The fructose is metabolized in our liver. Now depending on people bodies, we are not certain if the liver can always handle the quantity of fructose intake. 

When greater amount of fructose is ingested by the liver who can no longer metabolize it, the overload sugar will be transformed in adipose(body fats). 
This in return become responsible of many health challenges( gout, diabetes type II, obesity, and certain form of cancers).
Recent studies also indicated that HFCS destroys leptin.

Leptin is a hormone produced by the body fat's cell which an important role in regulating energy balance  while suppressing appetite. 
A myth says: “Sugar feeds cancer.” But the truth is that sugar doesn't make cancer grow faster. All cells, including cancer cells, depend on blood sugar (glucose) for energy. But giving more sugar to cancer cells doesn't make them grow faster and starving them of sugar doesn’t make them grow slower.
However, eating a lot of sugar, including desserts and sugar-sweetened beverages, can lead to weight gain, which may increase the risk of breast cancer (American Cancer Society). 

Pollution sonore et sante La pollution sonore est liée aux bruits qui a la longue affectent négativement notre sante( l'alteration ...