Tuesday, November 7, 2017

What do we know about high-fructose corn syrup?

In one of my blogs, I have talked about the importance of reading food labels.  

Image result for high fructose corn syrup

High fructose corn syrup(HFCS) is a type of sweetener made from corn starch found in sodas and fruit flavored drinks. It's also used in food manufacturing- where it has replaced refine white sugar in many products such as soft drinks. 

Excessive consumption of sugar leads to nutrient displacement, tooth decay, and  issues related to  obesity and diabetes. When we consume  artificial sweeteners such as candies, sodas, white chocolate, etc...  not only we aren't getting in the nutrients needed, but we are losing some( the ones we have stored aren't replaced and our bodies need nutrients to survive). 

Image result for candiesImage result for soft drinks

Artificial sweeteners in foods and drinks contain fewer nutrients, but empty k calories. 
 The fructose is metabolized in our liver. Now depending on people bodies, we are not certain if the liver can always handle the quantity of fructose intake. 

When greater amount of fructose is ingested by the liver who can no longer metabolize it, the overload sugar will be transformed in adipose(body fats). 
This in return become responsible of many health challenges( gout, diabetes type II, obesity, and certain form of cancers).
Recent studies also indicated that HFCS destroys leptin.

Leptin is a hormone produced by the body fat's cell which an important role in regulating energy balance  while suppressing appetite. 
A myth says: “Sugar feeds cancer.” But the truth is that sugar doesn't make cancer grow faster. All cells, including cancer cells, depend on blood sugar (glucose) for energy. But giving more sugar to cancer cells doesn't make them grow faster and starving them of sugar doesn’t make them grow slower.
However, eating a lot of sugar, including desserts and sugar-sweetened beverages, can lead to weight gain, which may increase the risk of breast cancer (American Cancer Society). 

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