Quinoa availability is somehow limited. But it can be found near rice, beans, lentils, and other grains. If there is a special gluten-free section, look it over there as well.
Let's us talk a little bit about its many health benefits before going in the kitchen.
Quinoa the mother of all grains, a better substitute to white rice has so much more to offer...
Quinoa belongs to the amaranth family- a herbaceous plant growing as a grain crop and designed for human consumption. It's classified as a pseudocereal. It's also close to beetroot( we will talk about this later)), spinach, and amaranth ( another greener).
Quinoa is very rich in proteins( well recommend for vegetarians) and essential amino acids. A 1/2 cup of cooked quinoa will add 5 grams of proteins to our diet.
Quinoa is also very rich in lysine( this amino acid plays a key role in repairing tissues).
The fiber amount of quinoa is unbelievable. Fiber is known to relieve from constipation, heart complications, high blood pressure, diabetes, glucose, and weight loss( in the sense that the body can go for long hours without the need for food).
Quinoa also contains iron to keep our blood cells in good shape.
Quinoa supplies magnesium and riboflavin(Vitamin B2)- they both help in blood circulation and migraine alleviation. Magnesium may also play a role in reducing diabetes type II by improving the blood sugar level. Magnesium also helps in regulating body temperature, detoxifying, boosting energy, and helping in the bones matrix and teeth.
Quinoa has a high content of manganese. Manganese is efficient in preventing damage to mitochondria(specialized structures within living cells) during energy production- and equally acting in the protection of blood cells against free radicals.
Au fourneau(In the Kitchen)
Quinoa is softer than other grains and cooks quickly.
Cooking pot
bring 2 cups of water to a boil, add 1 cup of quinoa reduce the heat from medium to low, and let it cook for about 15-20 minutes. The grains should be tender, and all liquid absorbed. Serve it with a soup, chicken, sprinkle on your salad, etc...
Quinoa Casserole
You have the choice to boil your quinoa in a cooking pot( in that case, use the above method) or prep it the microwave( that's what I do for quinoa casserole. The process remains the same like in the cooking pot- but it allows you to monitor its tenderness better( You can always sprinkle water to your convenience.
Cooked quinoa
1 onion chopped
1/2 leek chopped
4 cloves garlic chopped or granulated garlic
1 small slice of ginger or ginger powder
1 tsp Jamaican pepper( optional)
1/4 ground black pepper
1/4 white pepper( optional)
1/2 tsp thyme
1/2 tsp celery( for the flavor)
2 chopped tomatoes( optional)
6 chopped fresh broccoli florets
1 bell pepper( color of your choice)
cooking pan
oven bake pan
cooking oil
salt or Maggi knorr
1 cup of cheddar cheese( you can have more depending on how you want your recipe to be)
Heat your cooking pan at a medium temperature
add onion, tomatoes, salt or Maggi, gently stir until it becomes brown, add 2 cups of water if needed( quinoa can get dry at times), add all the remaining ingredients and quinoa stir for a minute and pour everything into the oven pan. make sure your salt is just enough, sprinkle your cheese and let the recipe simmer for about 10 minutes at a 400 degrees. Serve it hot with french bread or crackers. You can also blend all your ingredients except your onion to have more soup- and make it less dry.
Vegetables depend on your choices and preferences: kales, broccoli, parsley, celery, carrots, bell pepper, spinach, coconut, etc....
Have you tried quinoa? Do not hesitate to share...
Uncooked quinoa

Cooked quinoa
Quinoa on the shelves- Prices may vary between $2.25 and $44.00 depending on the quantity and the different brands. There are many more. I only selected few brands.

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