Breast Ironing: The untold story!!!!!
A growing Public Health Concern that must be decried!!!!!!!!
Have you heard about this practice??????
Breast ironing is a traditional practice consisting of massaging and/or flattening young pubescent girls breast with hot tools( I will talk about more further) in an attempt to disguise the signs of development. The reasoning behind this custom is to delay sexual intercourse, harassment, rape, and undesirable/early pregnancies.
Breast ironing is usually performed on young females breasts- age 10-19-by their mothers or a close relative. In some families, it's passed down from the grandmother to the daughter.
According to the perpetrators, this ignoble practice aims at deterring unwanted pregnancies, unscrupulous and malicious sexual behaviors, early sexual activities, and precocious marriages.
The prevalence of breast ironing is observed in Cameroon and some other parts of African countries like Central African Republic, Bénin, Tchad, Côte D'Ivoire, Guinée-Conakry, Kenya, Nigeria, Togo, and Zimbabwe. The United Nations estimate that around 3.8 millions of young females are victims of breast ironing- with Cameroon holding the highest number of cases.
Notwithstanding this practice, the prevalence of early pregnancies and rape incidences( this excludes under-reported cases as a result of stigmatization) among young girls remain high in Cameroon. Breast ironing practice hasn't really helped as a deterrent....
Sexual harassment, unwanted pregnancies, and rape are still a rife.
The following example isn't an isolated case: Veronica was just 28, mother of 5 girls and grandmother of 1 , and her oldest daughter has gotten pregnant at age 14. In an attempt to protect the younger siblings from getting pregnant at such a young age, Verinocia started to flatten their breast at age 10. She was trying her best to protect her daughters against predators.
There are 2 methods carried by those involved in this practice.
The first consists of heating tools like pestle, heavy stone, metal, sticks, spatulas, spoons, grinding stones, hot coconut shelves, and hot leaves over hot charcoals fire, and apply them against breasts with the intention of flattening and stunting their growth.
The second method involves wrapping the girl's chest with an elastic tight band overnight like shown in the picture. This makes the young female very uncomfortable during her sleep.
While at the moment no medical studies have been undertaken on the effects of breast ironing, experts are of the assumption that it can lead to breast cancer, the formation of abscesses cysts, complications from breastfeeding, discharge of milk, breast damage tissues, etc.... There are further speculations that there can be permanent damage to milk ducts, infection, dissymmetry of the breasts, cancer, breast infections, severe fever, tissue damage and even the complete disappearance of one or both breasts.Victims of this practice also end up with marks, wrinkles and black spots on their breasts(Tchoukou 2014).But I believe that the inescapable scars is psychological( depression, fear, anxiety, frustration, confusion, emotional pain, etc...).
My take on the issue is the need for sexual education in schools; the necessity to empower and educate young girls about risks of unprotected sex; Quite often young ladies don't understand their bodies changes when they reach puberty. In traditional African societies, raising the topic of sexuality among youngsters is still considered a taboo topic.
The social disorganization(family disruption, poverty, lower socioeconomic status) is certainly a predicting factor in pushing these young girls to engage in risky sexual behaviors leading to undesirable consequences. These mothers' desire is to protect their daughters against sexual predators, but they certainly don't know any other means. As indicated, the deterrence of sexual harassment is somewhere else.... not in breast ironing.
I can also speak for acculturation and loss of fundamentals values formerly instilled in young females(preserving their bodies until marriage, and not having children outside the wedlock).
How would I classify this issue?
A violence against women?
Child abused?
Violation of human rights?
I want to have your take on this issue.
Were you aware of this practice?
Share please!
Bawe RN (2013)Breast Ironing : A harmful traditional practice in Cameroon. Gender Empowerment and Development (GeED).
Julie Ada Tchoukou(2014) Introducing the Practice of Breast Ironing as a Human Rights Issue in Cameroon
Ndifor.M.I(2007). Breast Ironing in Cameroon: Just a rumor? Karolinska Institute, Department of public health
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Plantain in the kitchen!!!!
Plantain( Musa paradisiaca its scientific name) is a major staple food in West and Central Africa, Caribbean regions, Central and South America, some parts of Asia and India. Plantain is a nonseasonal crop available all year long. Plantain classification is sometimes awkward- vegetable for green and fruit for yellow.
Plantain looks like banana, but are quite different from the banana. In countries like Cameroon, Uganda, and Colombia- homes of plantain suppliers- the difference is well known.
Plantain is starchier, longer, and thicker, than the banana; it contains less sugar; it's much more versatile as a cooking ingredient. Usually, plantain is eaten when cooked, because it contains a certain amount of sap that has an undesirable taste.
Calories-wise, plantain is very similar to potato but contains more nutrients. Plantain is a good source of fiber, vitamins A, C and B6, minerals, magnesium, and potassium.
Plantain is richer in potassium than banana. Potassium is known for its many health benefits such as minimizing risks for high blood pressure. New pieces of evidence establish plantain as a key for the prevention of heart complications. One cup of sliced and cooked plantain delivers a potassium loaded with 716 milligrams- around 20% of the DV(Daily Value)(Yeager, p434).
Potassium not only plays a role in reducing risks of cardiovascular diseases, but it's also efficient in minimizing the likelihood of stroke. Additionally, potassium would constitute a good defense against atherosclerosis(hardening of arteries).
Fiber increases fullness and helps manage cholesterol. High fiber may also reduce risks of hemorrhoids and small pouches in our large intestine which has the potential to cause diverticular diseases according to the Mayo Clinic. A good fighter against free radicals, plantain contains a substantial amount of vitamin C- which acts as antioxidants, immune system builder, and tissues repairers for injuries.
The cuisine
Boiled plantain green and/or yellow
Remove the plantain skin using a sharp knife; for hands protection wear gloves when peeling green plantains because of their high content of sap; You can also use cooking oil or kitchen salt to rub around your fingers and palms; pour water in a cooking pot, enough to absorb the green plantain; cook your green plantain for about 30 minutes or more- depending how soft you want it to be- from medium to high temperature. Repeat the same procedures for yellow plantain except that the water in the pot must be a little bit less than the plantain.
Fried Plantain
peel the skin off your plantain, and slice it into small or medium parts; heat your oil in a frying pan-medium to high; adding salt is optional. Make sure your oil is hot before frying; you don't want your plantain to absorb too much oil, therefore the oil has gotten to be ready. Fry your plantain until it has the yellow look; use a perforated ladle to remove your plantain and place your slices inside an absorbing kitchen tower underneath a container. Plantain can be eaten by itself or as a side dish with a soup of your choice( we will discuss this later).
Versatile as a cooking ingredient
Plantain is also made with one of my favors classical dishes from Cameroon called Kondre( Mixed plantain with seasoning, palm oil, spices, and meat of your choice except for poultry).
Plantain DG made with poultry spices, seasoning, and vegetables( carrots, green beans, bell pepper, etc...).
Pounded plantain with small red or black beans is also very tasty. Pounded plantain with varieties of soups and /or egusi pudding.
These nutrition facts are from the FDA and U.S Department of Agriculture
Plantain versus banana
Fried plantain chips
Boiled plantain
Plantain( Musa paradisiaca its scientific name) is a major staple food in West and Central Africa, Caribbean regions, Central and South America, some parts of Asia and India. Plantain is a nonseasonal crop available all year long. Plantain classification is sometimes awkward- vegetable for green and fruit for yellow.
Plantain looks like banana, but are quite different from the banana. In countries like Cameroon, Uganda, and Colombia- homes of plantain suppliers- the difference is well known.
Plantain is starchier, longer, and thicker, than the banana; it contains less sugar; it's much more versatile as a cooking ingredient. Usually, plantain is eaten when cooked, because it contains a certain amount of sap that has an undesirable taste.
Calories-wise, plantain is very similar to potato but contains more nutrients. Plantain is a good source of fiber, vitamins A, C and B6, minerals, magnesium, and potassium.
Plantain is richer in potassium than banana. Potassium is known for its many health benefits such as minimizing risks for high blood pressure. New pieces of evidence establish plantain as a key for the prevention of heart complications. One cup of sliced and cooked plantain delivers a potassium loaded with 716 milligrams- around 20% of the DV(Daily Value)(Yeager, p434).
Potassium not only plays a role in reducing risks of cardiovascular diseases, but it's also efficient in minimizing the likelihood of stroke. Additionally, potassium would constitute a good defense against atherosclerosis(hardening of arteries).
Fiber increases fullness and helps manage cholesterol. High fiber may also reduce risks of hemorrhoids and small pouches in our large intestine which has the potential to cause diverticular diseases according to the Mayo Clinic. A good fighter against free radicals, plantain contains a substantial amount of vitamin C- which acts as antioxidants, immune system builder, and tissues repairers for injuries.
The cuisine
Boiled plantain green and/or yellow
Remove the plantain skin using a sharp knife; for hands protection wear gloves when peeling green plantains because of their high content of sap; You can also use cooking oil or kitchen salt to rub around your fingers and palms; pour water in a cooking pot, enough to absorb the green plantain; cook your green plantain for about 30 minutes or more- depending how soft you want it to be- from medium to high temperature. Repeat the same procedures for yellow plantain except that the water in the pot must be a little bit less than the plantain.
Fried Plantain
peel the skin off your plantain, and slice it into small or medium parts; heat your oil in a frying pan-medium to high; adding salt is optional. Make sure your oil is hot before frying; you don't want your plantain to absorb too much oil, therefore the oil has gotten to be ready. Fry your plantain until it has the yellow look; use a perforated ladle to remove your plantain and place your slices inside an absorbing kitchen tower underneath a container. Plantain can be eaten by itself or as a side dish with a soup of your choice( we will discuss this later).
Versatile as a cooking ingredient
Plantain is also made with one of my favors classical dishes from Cameroon called Kondre( Mixed plantain with seasoning, palm oil, spices, and meat of your choice except for poultry).
Plantain DG made with poultry spices, seasoning, and vegetables( carrots, green beans, bell pepper, etc...).
Pounded plantain with small red or black beans is also very tasty. Pounded plantain with varieties of soups and /or egusi pudding.
These nutrition facts are from the FDA and U.S Department of Agriculture
- 181 calories
- 47 grams carbohydrates
- 1.9 grams protein
- 0.5 grams fat
- 3.4 grams fiber
- 27.2 milligrams vitamin C (45 percent DV)
- 1,668 IU vitamin A (33 percent)
- 0.4 milligram vitamin B6 (22 percent)
- 739 milligrams potassium (21 percent)
- 55 milligrams magnesium (14 percent)
- 0.9 milligrams iron (5 percent)
One cup of cooked, mashed plantains has:
- 232 calories
- 62.3 grams carbohydrates
- 1.6 grams protein
- 0.4 gram fat
- 4.6 grams fiber
- 1,818 IU vitamin A (36 percent)
- 21.8 milligrams vitamin C (36 percent)
- 930 milligrams potassium (27 percent)
- 0.5 milligram vitamin B6 (24 percent)
- 64 milligrams magnesium (16 percent)
- 1.2 milligrams iron(6 percent)
Plantain versus banana
Fried plantain chips
Boiled plantain
Thursday, December 14, 2017
Quinoa availability is somehow limited. But it can be found near rice, beans, lentils, and other grains. If there is a special gluten-free section, look it over there as well.
Let's us talk a little bit about its many health benefits before going in the kitchen.
Quinoa the mother of all grains, a better substitute to white rice has so much more to offer...
Quinoa belongs to the amaranth family- a herbaceous plant growing as a grain crop and designed for human consumption. It's classified as a pseudocereal. It's also close to beetroot( we will talk about this later)), spinach, and amaranth ( another greener).
Quinoa is very rich in proteins( well recommend for vegetarians) and essential amino acids. A 1/2 cup of cooked quinoa will add 5 grams of proteins to our diet.
Quinoa is also very rich in lysine( this amino acid plays a key role in repairing tissues).
The fiber amount of quinoa is unbelievable. Fiber is known to relieve from constipation, heart complications, high blood pressure, diabetes, glucose, and weight loss( in the sense that the body can go for long hours without the need for food).
Quinoa also contains iron to keep our blood cells in good shape.
Quinoa supplies magnesium and riboflavin(Vitamin B2)- they both help in blood circulation and migraine alleviation. Magnesium may also play a role in reducing diabetes type II by improving the blood sugar level. Magnesium also helps in regulating body temperature, detoxifying, boosting energy, and helping in the bones matrix and teeth.
Quinoa has a high content of manganese. Manganese is efficient in preventing damage to mitochondria(specialized structures within living cells) during energy production- and equally acting in the protection of blood cells against free radicals.
Au fourneau(In the Kitchen)
Quinoa is softer than other grains and cooks quickly.
Cooking pot
bring 2 cups of water to a boil, add 1 cup of quinoa reduce the heat from medium to low, and let it cook for about 15-20 minutes. The grains should be tender, and all liquid absorbed. Serve it with a soup, chicken, sprinkle on your salad, etc...
Quinoa Casserole
You have the choice to boil your quinoa in a cooking pot( in that case, use the above method) or prep it the microwave( that's what I do for quinoa casserole. The process remains the same like in the cooking pot- but it allows you to monitor its tenderness better( You can always sprinkle water to your convenience.
Cooked quinoa
1 onion chopped
1/2 leek chopped
4 cloves garlic chopped or granulated garlic
1 small slice of ginger or ginger powder
1 tsp Jamaican pepper( optional)
1/4 ground black pepper
1/4 white pepper( optional)
1/2 tsp thyme
1/2 tsp celery( for the flavor)
2 chopped tomatoes( optional)
6 chopped fresh broccoli florets
1 bell pepper( color of your choice)
cooking pan
oven bake pan
cooking oil
salt or Maggi knorr
1 cup of cheddar cheese( you can have more depending on how you want your recipe to be)
Heat your cooking pan at a medium temperature
add onion, tomatoes, salt or Maggi, gently stir until it becomes brown, add 2 cups of water if needed( quinoa can get dry at times), add all the remaining ingredients and quinoa stir for a minute and pour everything into the oven pan. make sure your salt is just enough, sprinkle your cheese and let the recipe simmer for about 10 minutes at a 400 degrees. Serve it hot with french bread or crackers. You can also blend all your ingredients except your onion to have more soup- and make it less dry.
Vegetables depend on your choices and preferences: kales, broccoli, parsley, celery, carrots, bell pepper, spinach, coconut, etc....
Have you tried quinoa? Do not hesitate to share...
Uncooked quinoa

Cooked quinoa
Quinoa on the shelves- Prices may vary between $2.25 and $44.00 depending on the quantity and the different brands. There are many more. I only selected few brands.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Ahaaah, Menopausal Problems Ladies!!!!
How do we handle them?

Hot flashes, mood swing, insomnia, dry skin, bone loss, high cholesterol, weight gain around the abdomen, and many more... How do we handle these changes??
It's so much to deal with as women!
Menopause for many women-the change as often called- is a season of great exploration and vitality. Not having to worry about pregnancy and monthly cycles can be quite exciting- without forgetting the exuberance about starting a new career.
However the body goes through a number of physiological changes that can take the exuberance away. Though these changes seem unbeatable, new pieces of evidences suggest that menopausal problems can be controlled or even eliminated through the right diet( Schiff, M.D). I have found this quite interesting while learning for myself, because I'm not far from there.....
Menopause is marked by the end of menstrual cycles-which is diagnosed after 12 months cycles without menstrual periods. There is a natural decline in reproductive hormones( estrogen and progesterone) once women reach their 40s or 50s.
Perimenopausal(before the onset of menopause) symptoms include- but aren't limited to- hot flashes, mood swings, weight gain/slow metabolism, vaginal dryness, irregular menstruations, dry skin, hair loss, sleeping problems, loss of sexual drive, etc...
Estrogen regulates women cholesterol and calcium absorption. When estrogen levels drop, women tend to be at higher risks of developing heart complications and osteoporosis(bone degeneration).
let's check what we can add to our diet for that particular season- and beyond.....
Water will offset the dryness of your skin and vagina, caused by the decrease of estrogen. Taking 8 glasses of water per day may help keeping you hydrated while reducing dryness.
Calcium is indispensable for the survival of our bones. It is recommended to get at least 1500 milligrams a day for postmenopausal women(National Institute of Health). You may want to increase your consumption of calcium- rich foods such as milk, non fat yogurt, and soy( rich in isoflavones,these plant-based foods have antioxidant and estrogenic effects on our body).
The power of fruits and vegetables in our bodies can never be underestimated.That's how we get our nutrients and vitamins in place- and reduce our calories intake.
Now aging is no one friend in term of changes and weight gain. Our metabolism slows down during the aging process.
When menopause starts, things don't get too prettier with our body shape. One of the best ways to fight all these extra adipocytes consists of eating less and exercising more. This is where fruits and vegetables make a lot of sense: less calories, more nutrients, and better health.
Hot flashes I've learned, can leave you with a bitter mood. They come out of nowhere and leave you so uncomfortable. Here again the isoflavones-mentioned earlier- in soy can help.
Black beans(can be cooked into soup, mixed into your salad, and/or fried with tomato) also contain isoflavones. Ground flaxseed, chickpeas, peanuts are also good sources.
Whole grains also play an important role in lowering the risk of cardiovascular diseases during postmenopausal period. Like I mentioned earlier, the decrease of estrogen hormone may be detrimental to the maintaining of cholesterol level in our system.
Whole grains(brown rice, barley, oatmeal, quinoa, pasta, etc...) are rich in folic acid and fiber- they are very effective in offsetting cardiovascular complications.
In the kitchen
I usually sprinkle my flaxseed on my salads, yogurt, cereal, and hot milk. I may add a 1/2 tsp of sugar every now and then....
A simple black beans recipe would include:
a small pack of dried beans or can beans( check the sodium content)
1 large tomato fruit
1/2 slice medium onion
4 cloves garlic,
1 slice small ginger
canola oil
pepper( optional)
dried shrimp(optional)
boil your dried beans with water and 1 tsp of salt for about 1h30 minutes at medium-high heat
retrieve your beans from the original water when it's ready( the grains should be tender enough). Pour that water away- don't need to use it again
blend all your ingredients except your onion.
Heat your oil in the cooking pot at a medium to high heat
chop or slice your onion and add to your oil; add your ingredients and let everything cook until ready( 15 to 20 minutes); gently stir every now and then; add water and pour the black beans; continue to stir gently for few minutes. You may want to add water and maggi( knorr) if everything looks dry. when ready to serve, you can add dry cilantro, or dry celery for flavor. Serve with bread, rice, or bake potatoes.
Isaac Schiff, M.D., Menopause, Chief of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Massachusetts General Hospital.
How do we handle them?
Hot flashes, mood swing, insomnia, dry skin, bone loss, high cholesterol, weight gain around the abdomen, and many more... How do we handle these changes??
It's so much to deal with as women!
Menopause for many women-the change as often called- is a season of great exploration and vitality. Not having to worry about pregnancy and monthly cycles can be quite exciting- without forgetting the exuberance about starting a new career.
However the body goes through a number of physiological changes that can take the exuberance away. Though these changes seem unbeatable, new pieces of evidences suggest that menopausal problems can be controlled or even eliminated through the right diet( Schiff, M.D). I have found this quite interesting while learning for myself, because I'm not far from there.....
Menopause is marked by the end of menstrual cycles-which is diagnosed after 12 months cycles without menstrual periods. There is a natural decline in reproductive hormones( estrogen and progesterone) once women reach their 40s or 50s.
Perimenopausal(before the onset of menopause) symptoms include- but aren't limited to- hot flashes, mood swings, weight gain/slow metabolism, vaginal dryness, irregular menstruations, dry skin, hair loss, sleeping problems, loss of sexual drive, etc...
Estrogen regulates women cholesterol and calcium absorption. When estrogen levels drop, women tend to be at higher risks of developing heart complications and osteoporosis(bone degeneration).
let's check what we can add to our diet for that particular season- and beyond.....
Water will offset the dryness of your skin and vagina, caused by the decrease of estrogen. Taking 8 glasses of water per day may help keeping you hydrated while reducing dryness.
Calcium is indispensable for the survival of our bones. It is recommended to get at least 1500 milligrams a day for postmenopausal women(National Institute of Health). You may want to increase your consumption of calcium- rich foods such as milk, non fat yogurt, and soy( rich in isoflavones,these plant-based foods have antioxidant and estrogenic effects on our body).
The power of fruits and vegetables in our bodies can never be underestimated.That's how we get our nutrients and vitamins in place- and reduce our calories intake.
Now aging is no one friend in term of changes and weight gain. Our metabolism slows down during the aging process.
When menopause starts, things don't get too prettier with our body shape. One of the best ways to fight all these extra adipocytes consists of eating less and exercising more. This is where fruits and vegetables make a lot of sense: less calories, more nutrients, and better health.
Hot flashes I've learned, can leave you with a bitter mood. They come out of nowhere and leave you so uncomfortable. Here again the isoflavones-mentioned earlier- in soy can help.
Black beans(can be cooked into soup, mixed into your salad, and/or fried with tomato) also contain isoflavones. Ground flaxseed, chickpeas, peanuts are also good sources.
Whole grains also play an important role in lowering the risk of cardiovascular diseases during postmenopausal period. Like I mentioned earlier, the decrease of estrogen hormone may be detrimental to the maintaining of cholesterol level in our system.
Whole grains(brown rice, barley, oatmeal, quinoa, pasta, etc...) are rich in folic acid and fiber- they are very effective in offsetting cardiovascular complications.
In the kitchen
I usually sprinkle my flaxseed on my salads, yogurt, cereal, and hot milk. I may add a 1/2 tsp of sugar every now and then....
A simple black beans recipe would include:
a small pack of dried beans or can beans( check the sodium content)
1 large tomato fruit
1/2 slice medium onion
4 cloves garlic,
1 slice small ginger
canola oil
pepper( optional)
dried shrimp(optional)
boil your dried beans with water and 1 tsp of salt for about 1h30 minutes at medium-high heat
retrieve your beans from the original water when it's ready( the grains should be tender enough). Pour that water away- don't need to use it again
blend all your ingredients except your onion.
Heat your oil in the cooking pot at a medium to high heat
chop or slice your onion and add to your oil; add your ingredients and let everything cook until ready( 15 to 20 minutes); gently stir every now and then; add water and pour the black beans; continue to stir gently for few minutes. You may want to add water and maggi( knorr) if everything looks dry. when ready to serve, you can add dry cilantro, or dry celery for flavor. Serve with bread, rice, or bake potatoes.
Isaac Schiff, M.D., Menopause, Chief of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Massachusetts General Hospital.
Monday, December 11, 2017

Let Garlic speak for itself!!!!!!!!
Others names
Ail blanc( French), alliaceous(family name), Allium Sativum(Greek name), Ajo, Camphor Of The Poor, Da Suan, Garlic Clove, Garlic Head, Ail Rocambole,...
Garlic- a good remedy for ear infection, bad cholesterol, stomach and colon cancers, heart conditions, stroke, free radicals,
I personally use garlic for my soups, salads, recipes, and remedies solutions.
The taste is unbelievable.
The smell is irresistible.
During War World II, garlic was used in lieu of penicillin to cure wounded soldiers.
Allium sativum
Garlic is one of the alliaceous members, close to onion, leek, chive, and shallot. It's a phytochemical; these are non-nutritive substances in plant-based foods. Though phytochemicals aren't required by human body for sustaining life, they appear to have disease-fighting elements and other health benefits.
Helps boost immunity and reduce high levels of blood sugar in our bodies.
May prevent heart complications and stroke
May help reducing blood cholesterol while preventing the formation of blood clots which are known to accelerate atherosclerosis( fatty plaques that obstruct our arteries).
Researchers found that garlic contains compounds called diallyl disulfide(DADS) which appears to improve blood flow by preventing blood particles from sticking together and clotting arteries.
Cancer protection
New pieces of evidence suggest that including garlic in our diet regularly-not to say everyday-increases the likelihood of reducing the growth of cancer cells in our system.
The s-allyl cysteine in garlic may stop cancer cells from metabolizing.The DADS I mentioned earlier appears to interfere cancer cells ability to multiply and grow(John Milner). The hope is that garlic could become the basic ground for some cancer treatments.
Garlic also contains valuable properties that may halt the effects of nitrite( a common substance found in some foods and everyday pollutants) in our systems.
Garlic is a very good remedy for common sicknesses like cold, ear infection, sore throat, and flu.
Garlic appears to combat Alzheimer's dementia.We are exposed to free radicals in our daily basis. Garlic contains antioxidants elements that may help reduce brain degeneration and dementia.
Garlic nutritional benefits encompass:
manganese, vitamin B6, vitamin C, selenium, fiber, and the decent amount of calcium, copper, potassium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B1-and very low intake of calories.
Getting the most of garlic:
You can chop it and add some to your soup, salad, omelet, etc...
You may want to opt for the powder garlic for your cuisine, bread, vinaigrette salad, etc...
I simply choose to include the following in my cuisine: garlic, onion, ginger, and quite often leek. we will talk about those later.
Au fourneau( in the kitchen)
A simple omelet with garlic:
1 clove of garlic or 1/2 tsp of crushed garlic
1/4 of onion sliced in parts
3 whole eggs
a pinch of salt
pinch of white pepper or cayenne pepper(optional)
1 tbsp of milk(optional)
pinch of dried cilantro or parsley
beat eggs, salt, chopped garlic, cilantro and/or parsley, and pepper in a small bowl until blended;
heat butter or canola oil in nonstick omelet or skillet over medium-high until hot;
pour in your pan the egg mixture;
the mixture should set at edges; use a flat turner to gently invert and cook portions as needed. when each surface is cooked, gently fold your egg with turner and serve immediately.
Garlic sauce dip
4 cloves of garlic
1/2 onion
1/2 leek
a pinch of white pepper
a pinch of black pepper
2 Jamaican small peppers
2 slices of small ginger
salt or knorr Maggi
Blend all the ingredients together until smooth; pour your ingredients into a saucepan; rinse off your blender with water to collect the remaining seasoning and pour everything into your pan; add your oil( canola, vegetable, olive, etc...); gently stir your sauce to medium heat until ready. The readiness is when your sauce is no longer homogeneous: the oil will surface on top and your sauce underneath. Serve it hot! You can have it with your broil, bake, or fry chicken, rice, meatball, ground beef, egg boils, etc.... Can be kept refrigerated in a closed container for up to 2 weeks.
cloves of garlic

Head of garlic

granulated garlic

chopped garlic

John Milner, Ph.D. Department of nutrition at Pennsylvania State University
The Doctors Book of Food Remedies by Selene Yeager and the Editors of Prevention
Helps boost immunity and reduce high levels of blood sugar in our bodies.
May prevent heart complications and stroke
May help reducing blood cholesterol while preventing the formation of blood clots which are known to accelerate atherosclerosis( fatty plaques that obstruct our arteries).
Researchers found that garlic contains compounds called diallyl disulfide(DADS) which appears to improve blood flow by preventing blood particles from sticking together and clotting arteries.
Cancer protection
New pieces of evidence suggest that including garlic in our diet regularly-not to say everyday-increases the likelihood of reducing the growth of cancer cells in our system.
The s-allyl cysteine in garlic may stop cancer cells from metabolizing.The DADS I mentioned earlier appears to interfere cancer cells ability to multiply and grow(John Milner). The hope is that garlic could become the basic ground for some cancer treatments.
Garlic also contains valuable properties that may halt the effects of nitrite( a common substance found in some foods and everyday pollutants) in our systems.
Garlic is a very good remedy for common sicknesses like cold, ear infection, sore throat, and flu.
Garlic appears to combat Alzheimer's dementia.We are exposed to free radicals in our daily basis. Garlic contains antioxidants elements that may help reduce brain degeneration and dementia.
Garlic nutritional benefits encompass:
manganese, vitamin B6, vitamin C, selenium, fiber, and the decent amount of calcium, copper, potassium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B1-and very low intake of calories.
Getting the most of garlic:
You can chop it and add some to your soup, salad, omelet, etc...
You may want to opt for the powder garlic for your cuisine, bread, vinaigrette salad, etc...
I simply choose to include the following in my cuisine: garlic, onion, ginger, and quite often leek. we will talk about those later.
Au fourneau( in the kitchen)
A simple omelet with garlic:
1 clove of garlic or 1/2 tsp of crushed garlic
1/4 of onion sliced in parts
3 whole eggs
a pinch of salt
pinch of white pepper or cayenne pepper(optional)
1 tbsp of milk(optional)
pinch of dried cilantro or parsley
beat eggs, salt, chopped garlic, cilantro and/or parsley, and pepper in a small bowl until blended;
heat butter or canola oil in nonstick omelet or skillet over medium-high until hot;
pour in your pan the egg mixture;
the mixture should set at edges; use a flat turner to gently invert and cook portions as needed. when each surface is cooked, gently fold your egg with turner and serve immediately.
Garlic sauce dip
4 cloves of garlic
1/2 onion
1/2 leek
a pinch of white pepper
a pinch of black pepper
2 Jamaican small peppers
2 slices of small ginger
salt or knorr Maggi
Blend all the ingredients together until smooth; pour your ingredients into a saucepan; rinse off your blender with water to collect the remaining seasoning and pour everything into your pan; add your oil( canola, vegetable, olive, etc...); gently stir your sauce to medium heat until ready. The readiness is when your sauce is no longer homogeneous: the oil will surface on top and your sauce underneath. Serve it hot! You can have it with your broil, bake, or fry chicken, rice, meatball, ground beef, egg boils, etc.... Can be kept refrigerated in a closed container for up to 2 weeks.
cloves of garlic
Head of garlic
granulated garlic
chopped garlic
John Milner, Ph.D. Department of nutrition at Pennsylvania State University
The Doctors Book of Food Remedies by Selene Yeager and the Editors of Prevention
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Stopping the yeast beast?
Check out yogurt!!!
Haven't you noticed that yogurt section in most groceries stores has practically taken the dairy aisle? You have to search around in order to find other traditional dairy products. But it only makes sense that a food with as many health benefits as yogurt is given a prime real estate in grocery stores.
There are so many consumers of yogurt out there from children to just about any age group. We ingurgitate these live organisms every day when we open yogurt containers. Also, let's not forget that yogurt comes from milk, so yogurt consumers will equally get a dose of protein, magnesium, potassium, calcium, vitamin B-2, and vitamin B-12.
Yogurt is packed with bacteria- the live and active cultures you read on the label.
Research has indicated that these friendly bacteria (probiotics) are known to improve our healthy digestive system and may help fight constipation, diarrhea, lactose intolerance, etc...
I'm lactose intolerant. Every time I take milk especially powder milk, I just can't get over the pain. My solo refuge is yogurt during breakfast, or throughout the day. I also like to have it before going to the gym, not only does it strengthen my muscles but it boosts my energy intake for strenuous physical activity.
There is some evidence that yogurt may help build the wall against bacterial infections. While research has shown its benefits in fighting inflammatory bowel( symptoms range from abdominal cramps, bloody diarrhea, and sometimes fever), yogurt may boost the intestinal microflora which is known to protect against infections and diseases.
Yogurt appears to relieve stomach ulcers. Ulcers originate from bacteria. New pieces of evidence mention that eating plenty of live-culture yogurts, can keep ulcer-causing bacteria on the check.
Yeast infection(fungus living in the vagina and multiplying suddenly) occurrence is common among women with symptoms ranging from itching, burning, and other uncomfortable effects...
I've learned from a study that women were asked to eat 8 ounces( 1 small can of yogurt)a day for six months. After a period of observation, These women noticed improvements and yeast infections have dropped significantly.
Yogurt intake may also help in the prevention of osteoporosis( bone degeneration) with its micronutrients calcium and vitamin D. These nutrients provide good and strong bone structures.
I personally find yogurt to cut down hunger. It gives a sensation of being full and not wanting to have the next meal quickly.
In My diet
I give preference to a plain low-fat yogurt which has less sugar and fewer calories intake. Remember to always read your label( I discussed the importance of reading food labels in one of my posts). For a bowl of plain low-fat yogurt, I add a teaspoon of sugar along with fruits of my choice. Having yogurt during breakfast time is fantastic to get your day going- also in between meals as snacks.
In the kitchen
Smoothies delicious!!!!
1 banana, 1 mango, 1 cup of yogurt, 1 cup of strawberry, ice crush if you want. You may want to drop a 1/2 cup of milk depending on how light or heavy you want it. Add 1 tablespoon of sugar If you would like. Blend everything together and you will obtain a fantastic cocktail to get you on your feet all day.
Homemade yogurt
- 1 gallon of whole milk
- 32 oz of commercial yogurt containing active culture for the starter( plain low-fat, nonfat, or whole yogurt)
- 1/2 gallon of pasteurized milk can also be used in lieu of commercial yogurt
- 8 oz of sour cream( optional)
Pour your milk into a sauce ou cooking pan and warm it to right below boiling( 200 °F). Stir up your milk gently to make sure the bottom doesn't scorch and the milk doesn't overheat.
Remove your milk from the stove and let it cool down until it's just warm to the touch. You can also place your container in an ice water bath to cool your milk down quicker.
Pour into your milk the yogurt mixed together with sour cream( if you choose to add it). Whisk it into your warm milk to mix the culture altogether. You may add sugar, and flavors ( vanilla, rum, coconut, etc....).
Transfer your yogurt into the storage container and wrap them in towels or blanket to keep them warm for about 8 hours. You can also place your container inside a cooler with warm water and close the cooler for 8 hours without moving or touching.
Once the yogurt is ready to remove the top or the lead of the container, if you see water you can either drain it off or whisk back into your yogurt. The next step is to refrigerate your yogurt to keep at a cold temperature.
Homemade yogurt is delicious and can be kept up to 2 weeks.
Below are shown pictures of pasteurized milk in case you decide to go along with it instead of commercial yogurt.
These pictures are taken from google.

Try one of these recipes and do not hesitate to share!!!!
The Doctors Book of Food Remedies by Selene Yeager and the Editors of Prevention
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
La thérapie par le rire??????
Le rire est un événement qui provoque de nombreux mécanismes, dont les effets bénéfiques sur notre corps sont innombrables.
Le rire
elimine le stress
diminue la tension arterielle
renforce le systeme immunitaire
reduit la douleur
permet d'envisager les choses sous un angle positif
apporte un plus au niveau de l'activité intellectuelle
un bon remede contre les problems de peau
Pourquoi rions-nous? Est-il important de rire aux éclats? De temps en temps, sporadiquement, ou régulièrement?
Pense simplement a une histoire qui t'a fait exploser de joie, je t'assure que tu ne résisteras pas a l'envie de ne pas rire.
les feuilletons comiques aident également a détendre et provoquer le rire.
j'ai personnellement expérimenté les bienfaits du rire dans mes moments de mélancolie, solitude, colère, et inquiétude. Les histoires qui me font toujours craquer, sont par exemple les anecdotes de mes enfants se souvenant des punitions lorsqu'ils étaient tous petits.
Ma fille m'a par exemple rappelée que lorsqu'elle et ses frères faisaient des bêtises, je leur demandais très souvent d'aller au cachot, et le cachot c'était le dessous du lit(rires). Je m'occupais ensuite a autre chose et je les oubliais au cachot. lorsqu'ils y avaient mis trop de temps, ils sortaient du cachot et jouaient dans la chambre. Mais alors l'un d'eux guettait par l'entrebâillement de la porte pour s'assurer que maman ne venait pas au bas de l'escalier.
L'élimination du stress vient de ce que le rire permet a notre corps de sécréter les endorphines, ces hormones qui diminuent la production de l'adrénaline( aussi appelée epinephrine- hormone du stress sécrétée par les glandes surrenales) générée pendant les moments d'intense d'émotions: peur, colère, stress.
Le rire permet egalement de détendre nos muscles qui se crispent lorsque notre organisme est sous une tension liée au stress. Lorsqu'il y a relaxation des muscles, notre cerveau est oxygéné, et ceci favorise une humeur de détente.
Le rire agit favorablement sur le tissue artériel. En favorisant une meilleure circulation sanguine et en oxygénant le coeur, le rire permet d'éliminer les risques de caillots sanguins qui pourraient potentiellement se former au niveau des parois artérielles.
Il a ete demontre que si tu es sujet(te) a des hausses de tension artérielle, le rire au quotidien et surtout spontané pourrait améliorer tes chiffres ( Sante Magazine).
le rire contribue au bon fonctionnement du système immunitaire. Des nouvelles études notamment celles du Dr. Lee S. de L'universite de Loma Linda( California, USA) ont demontre que le rire aiderait a augmenter le taux d'anticorps dans notre organisme. Ces mêmes recherches ont indiqué qu'au terme d'une thérapie par le rire chez les sujets soumis a ce traitement, il ya généralement accroissement du taux des anticorps au niveau des muqueuses nasales, et des voies respiratoires. le renforcement de ces anticorps sont reconnus comme protecteurs contre les bactéries, virus, et flores microbiennes.
J'ajouterais même en me basant sur mon experience personnelle que en pratiquant quotidiennement le rire, du sport, et une alimentation équilibrée, ceci vous met a l'abri de nombreuses maladies et surtout vous boost mentalement en minimisant les risques de dépression.
Il a egalement ete demontre que l'intervention des clowns dans les hôpitaux aident les patients profondément atteints par la douleur a se sentir mieux. C'est vrai que l'humour produit le rire et d'ailleurs beaucoup de rires.... Les effets bénéfiques seraient la sécrétion de l'endorphine mentionnée ci-dessus ayant pour rôle de réduire les effets de douleur.
Hum bon a savoir!!!!!
S'il vous plait cher lecteurs cultivons le rire.
Le rire et l'assurance que demain tout ira pour le mieux. Je me retrouve devant une perte de mon emploi, la baisse de mes revenues, ou simplement la perte d'argent que j'ai investi dans une activité. ceci peut être déprimant, decourageant, et que sais-je encore?????
le fait de rire m'aidera certainement a voir les choses sous un angle beaucoup plus positif. Non seulement le rire va détendre mes nerfs, éliminer pour l'instant le stress relatif a ces mauvaises nouvelles, mais le rire m'aidera a relativiser et envisager les choses plus sereinement. J'ai connu des situations ou j'avais toujours la gorge serrée chaque fois que j'allais travailler. Non seulement mon employeur était quelqu'un de très acariâtre, mais il rémunérait mal ses employés. J'ai fait le constat selon lequel chaque fois que je riais avec mes collègues pendant nos pauses, je me sentais beaucoup mieux. On se racontait généralement des histoires drôles et on en rigolait.....
Je découvre également les bienfaits du rire sur l'apprentissage.
Selon le Dr. Lewis. Le rire élimine les anxiétés lies a l'échec, l'erreur, et la peur de répondre aux questions posees. Il stimule un meilleur apprentissage a travers la volonte et la creativite. les endorphines cérébrales sécrétées pendant le rire font baisser toute tension liée l'anxiété et la nervosité.
Autre chose a savoir que j'apprends c'est la fonction du rire dans le soulagement de l'eczéma. Les recherches font état du faible taux de dermicine( antibiotique naturel sécrété par les glandes salivaires pouvant soulager l'eczéma) chez les personnes ayant l'eczéma. Le rire augmentait considérablement le taux de dermicine chez cette catégorie d'individus.
S'il vous plait cher lecteurs cultivons le rire.
Que pensez-vous??? Avez-vous connu des situations au cours desquelles le rire vous a ete salutaire?
N'hesitez pas a partager!!!!!!
A titre de rappel, je voudrais simplement rappeler a mes chers lecteurs que j'utilise essentiellement le clavier Anglais pour mes rédactions. Vous vous rendrez certainement compte que certaines expressions ne sont pas écrites selon le Francais standard qui intègre par example les accents et les cedilles.
Je tacherai de corriger ceci dans le futur pour incorporer la grammaire et l'orthographe français.
Sante Magazine
Le rire est un événement qui provoque de nombreux mécanismes, dont les effets bénéfiques sur notre corps sont innombrables.
Le rire
elimine le stress
diminue la tension arterielle
renforce le systeme immunitaire
reduit la douleur
permet d'envisager les choses sous un angle positif
apporte un plus au niveau de l'activité intellectuelle
un bon remede contre les problems de peau
Pourquoi rions-nous? Est-il important de rire aux éclats? De temps en temps, sporadiquement, ou régulièrement?
Pense simplement a une histoire qui t'a fait exploser de joie, je t'assure que tu ne résisteras pas a l'envie de ne pas rire.
les feuilletons comiques aident également a détendre et provoquer le rire.
j'ai personnellement expérimenté les bienfaits du rire dans mes moments de mélancolie, solitude, colère, et inquiétude. Les histoires qui me font toujours craquer, sont par exemple les anecdotes de mes enfants se souvenant des punitions lorsqu'ils étaient tous petits.
Ma fille m'a par exemple rappelée que lorsqu'elle et ses frères faisaient des bêtises, je leur demandais très souvent d'aller au cachot, et le cachot c'était le dessous du lit(rires). Je m'occupais ensuite a autre chose et je les oubliais au cachot. lorsqu'ils y avaient mis trop de temps, ils sortaient du cachot et jouaient dans la chambre. Mais alors l'un d'eux guettait par l'entrebâillement de la porte pour s'assurer que maman ne venait pas au bas de l'escalier.
L'élimination du stress vient de ce que le rire permet a notre corps de sécréter les endorphines, ces hormones qui diminuent la production de l'adrénaline( aussi appelée epinephrine- hormone du stress sécrétée par les glandes surrenales) générée pendant les moments d'intense d'émotions: peur, colère, stress.
Le rire permet egalement de détendre nos muscles qui se crispent lorsque notre organisme est sous une tension liée au stress. Lorsqu'il y a relaxation des muscles, notre cerveau est oxygéné, et ceci favorise une humeur de détente.
Le rire agit favorablement sur le tissue artériel. En favorisant une meilleure circulation sanguine et en oxygénant le coeur, le rire permet d'éliminer les risques de caillots sanguins qui pourraient potentiellement se former au niveau des parois artérielles.
Il a ete demontre que si tu es sujet(te) a des hausses de tension artérielle, le rire au quotidien et surtout spontané pourrait améliorer tes chiffres ( Sante Magazine).
le rire contribue au bon fonctionnement du système immunitaire. Des nouvelles études notamment celles du Dr. Lee S. de L'universite de Loma Linda( California, USA) ont demontre que le rire aiderait a augmenter le taux d'anticorps dans notre organisme. Ces mêmes recherches ont indiqué qu'au terme d'une thérapie par le rire chez les sujets soumis a ce traitement, il ya généralement accroissement du taux des anticorps au niveau des muqueuses nasales, et des voies respiratoires. le renforcement de ces anticorps sont reconnus comme protecteurs contre les bactéries, virus, et flores microbiennes.
J'ajouterais même en me basant sur mon experience personnelle que en pratiquant quotidiennement le rire, du sport, et une alimentation équilibrée, ceci vous met a l'abri de nombreuses maladies et surtout vous boost mentalement en minimisant les risques de dépression.
Il a egalement ete demontre que l'intervention des clowns dans les hôpitaux aident les patients profondément atteints par la douleur a se sentir mieux. C'est vrai que l'humour produit le rire et d'ailleurs beaucoup de rires.... Les effets bénéfiques seraient la sécrétion de l'endorphine mentionnée ci-dessus ayant pour rôle de réduire les effets de douleur.
Hum bon a savoir!!!!!
S'il vous plait cher lecteurs cultivons le rire.
Le rire et l'assurance que demain tout ira pour le mieux. Je me retrouve devant une perte de mon emploi, la baisse de mes revenues, ou simplement la perte d'argent que j'ai investi dans une activité. ceci peut être déprimant, decourageant, et que sais-je encore?????
le fait de rire m'aidera certainement a voir les choses sous un angle beaucoup plus positif. Non seulement le rire va détendre mes nerfs, éliminer pour l'instant le stress relatif a ces mauvaises nouvelles, mais le rire m'aidera a relativiser et envisager les choses plus sereinement. J'ai connu des situations ou j'avais toujours la gorge serrée chaque fois que j'allais travailler. Non seulement mon employeur était quelqu'un de très acariâtre, mais il rémunérait mal ses employés. J'ai fait le constat selon lequel chaque fois que je riais avec mes collègues pendant nos pauses, je me sentais beaucoup mieux. On se racontait généralement des histoires drôles et on en rigolait.....
Je découvre également les bienfaits du rire sur l'apprentissage.
Selon le Dr. Lewis. Le rire élimine les anxiétés lies a l'échec, l'erreur, et la peur de répondre aux questions posees. Il stimule un meilleur apprentissage a travers la volonte et la creativite. les endorphines cérébrales sécrétées pendant le rire font baisser toute tension liée l'anxiété et la nervosité.
Autre chose a savoir que j'apprends c'est la fonction du rire dans le soulagement de l'eczéma. Les recherches font état du faible taux de dermicine( antibiotique naturel sécrété par les glandes salivaires pouvant soulager l'eczéma) chez les personnes ayant l'eczéma. Le rire augmentait considérablement le taux de dermicine chez cette catégorie d'individus.
S'il vous plait cher lecteurs cultivons le rire.
N'hesitez pas a partager!!!!!!
A titre de rappel, je voudrais simplement rappeler a mes chers lecteurs que j'utilise essentiellement le clavier Anglais pour mes rédactions. Vous vous rendrez certainement compte que certaines expressions ne sont pas écrites selon le Francais standard qui intègre par example les accents et les cedilles.
Je tacherai de corriger ceci dans le futur pour incorporer la grammaire et l'orthographe français.
Sante Magazine
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